Now Offering TeleHealth Visits

Your safety during the Coronavirus crisis is our utmost concern. In order to keep you and your loved ones safe, our OBGYN doctors, midwives and fertility specialist are now live offering TeleHealth virtual visits.
Here’s how you can get started:
Telehealth appointments are made by phone. Call us during business hours at 609-896-0777 to schedule your virtual visit.
Your can also click here to send us your request online and will be back to you shortly.
You will receive an appointment confirmation for your Telehealth visit by email and/or text shortly from Otto health after your appointment is scheduled. Please click on the links to make sure your device including the speaker and microphone are working properly.
You will get another email and/or text for your Telehealth just before the appointment. Please complete the intake questions and intake forms so you will be allowed into the visit. Give yourself at least 15 minutes to be sure you are ready.
Click Join Visit and you will be connected with your doctor or midwife shortly for your Telehealth appointment.
A couple of tips to make your virtual visit a success,
- Be sure to confirm your Telehealth appointment, test your device and login in for your appointment well in advance.
- Use the right browser: Iphone (safari), Android phone (chrome), Computer (chrome, safari or firefox). Internet explorer and microsoft edge will not work.
- Make sure your wifi or cellular signal is strong and secure.