Resuming fertility treatment after COVID-19

One of the most difficult things for our fertility specialist and our patients who need fertility treatment during the corona virus has been the need to put a hold on fertility testing and treatment while the pandemic peaked in New Jersey.
Now that the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to wane, we will be starting up fertility treatments once again. There are some changes in hours and the services we will provide until the situation allows us to fully reopen. This is to keep both our patients and staff as safe as possible.
Here is what you need to know about about what is going on if you are patient of Dr. Derman at Princeton IVF:
We are resuming our morning office hours but with a different schedule. All appointments will be scheduled weekdays between 8 and 9:30 and by appointment only. If you plan on coming in, please let us know in advance so we can avoid crowding and continue to enforce social distancing practices.
We will resume medication, workup and IUI cycles.
We can now resume IVF cycles now that our IVF lab (Sincera Reproductive Medicine-Abington) reopened its facility. (Updated May 15)
You must wear a mask when you come to Lawrenceville and will be screened for signs of coronavirus when you show up.
Consults with the doctor will be available either in person or by telemedicine and can be scheduled by calling our office.
Please use the main phone number to the office to reach us 609-896-0777 instead of the fertility line at 609-896-4984 as messages left at that line may take longer to reach us. You can also send us a message by clicking here.
For non-emergent calls, you may also send us a secure portal message or email us at