What to Expect at 37 Weeks Pregnant – Third Trimester Information

You are 37 weeks pregnant and your pregnancy is quickly coming to an end, but your little one still has a bit more growing to do. This week, your baby is probably gaining about a half an ounce each day, adding fat and plumping up before birth. Keep in mind that, although you are super […]
Read More....October Breast Cancer Awareness: Now is the Time to Schedule Your Annual Exam!

While breast cancer awareness articles and events are everywhere. What does breast cancer mean for you as an individual? It’s a scary thought and all too many women assume that it won’t happen to them. Fact is though, every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the US. And – it is […]
Read More....Your Teen’s First Gynecologic Visit

Have you considered that Summer may be the best time for your teen’s first gynecologic visit? The dog days of summer are upon us. Are you enjoying lazy days at the pool, planned family vacations or busy times with kids active in sports and other camps? Why does it seem these days fly by and […]
Read More....Don’t Suffer From Excessive Menstrual Bleeding (Menorrhagia)

If your periods are so heavy and or prolonged that they disrupt your normal daily activities, you may have excessive menstrual bleeding also known as menorrhagia. Symptoms of menorrhagia may also include cramping, pelvic pain and, in severe cases, anemia. Excessive menstrual bleeding is a common condition that occurs for many of reasons. Two of […]
Read More....Is Choosing a Midwife Right for You?

We are one of the Princeton area’s leaders in establishing a model of care using both the skills of both the midwife and those of physicians in a collaborative manner to produce the best outcomes for our patients and their families. Our midwives are highly educated and trained medical professionals who have studied and graduated […]
Read More....Now Offering TeleHealth Visits

Your safety during the Coronavirus crisis is our utmost concern. In order to keep you and your loved ones safe, our OBGYN doctors, midwives and fertility specialist are now live offering TeleHealth virtual visits. Here’s how you can get started: Telehealth appointments are made by phone. Call us during business hours at 609-896-0777 to schedule […]
Read More....Having your baby at Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center

Our doctors and midwives will deliver your baby at Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center in Plainsboro, NJ. Read their manual ( or click on the image) to learn more about what to expect when your getting ready to deliver at Princeton.
Read More....Our commitment to our patients and community

In these difficult times for all of us, the doctors, midwives and staff at Delaware Valley OBGYN and Infertility Group recommit ourselves to treating all of our patients equally and with the dignity that each individual deserves. It is the policy of Delaware Valley Ob/Gyn not to discriminate with regard to race, religion, national origin, […]
Read More....Miranda Peurala, CNM joins our team

In the last few months, most of us here in New Jersey and beyond have been pre-occupied with the coronavirus pandemic. In 2020, we had a new addition to our team and are excited to finally share this news with you. Miranda Peurala, Certified Nurse Midwife, has joined our excellent team of midwives and obstetrician-gynecologists […]
Read More....Now scheduling annual exams again

Is it time to schedule my annual gynecologic exam? If you had your annual check up scheduled with us in the last few months, your visit was almost certainly cancelled, and if you called us to set up an exam, we were unable to schedule the appointment. It was important at the time to limit […]
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